Remote vs On-Site IT Support: Which Is the Best IT Support Model

October 13, 2021

Remote vs On-Site IT Support: Which Is the Best IT Support Model

When it comes to IT support, businesses have two main options - remote and on-site IT support. Both options have pros and cons, and businesses need to consider their individual needs to choose the model that suits them best. In this blog post, we will compare remote and on-site IT support to help you make an informed decision.

Remote IT Support

Remote IT support allows businesses to access IT support services from a remote location. Remote IT support is usually provided through phone, email, or remote desktop connections. The advantages of remote IT support are as follows:


Remote IT support is usually more cost-effective than on-site IT support. According to a study by CMSWire, remote IT support is 40-60% cheaper than on-site IT support, mainly due to reduced travel costs and technicians' time.

Quick and Efficient

Remote IT support is usually quick and efficient. Support technicians can access your systems remotely and troubleshoot issues without being physically present at your workplace. They can also handle multiple issues at once, which means quicker resolution times.

Reduced Downtime

Remote IT support can help reduce downtime. Technicians can troubleshoot and resolve issues quickly, which minimizes the amount of time systems are offline. Reduced downtime means increased productivity for your business.

Environmentally friendly

Remote IT support is also environmentally friendly. It reduces the carbon footprint associated with travel, which is good for the environment.

However, remote IT support also has its disadvantages, such as:

Limited Physical Support

Remote IT support is limited to software issues. Technicians cannot physically repair hardware issues, which can be a disadvantage if hardware issues are a common occurrence.

Limited Control Over Support

With remote IT support, businesses have limited control over the support process. Since support technicians work remotely, businesses cannot oversee the support process as they would with on-site support.

On-Site IT Support

On-site IT support involves technicians being physically present at your workplace to provide support. The advantages of on-site IT support are as follows:

Complete Control Over Support

On-site IT support provides complete control over the support process. Since technicians are physically present, businesses can oversee the support process and communicate their requirements more effectively.

Immediate Access to Hardware Support

On-site IT support provides immediate access to hardware support. Technicians can repair hardware issues immediately, which helps reduce downtime.

Personalized Support

On-site IT support provides personalized support. Technicians can build relationships with staff and understand their needs, which helps provide better support.

However, on-site IT support also has its disadvantages, such as:


On-site IT support is usually more costly than remote IT support. According to the same study by CMSWire, on-site IT support is 20-30% more expensive than remote IT support due to travel costs and time on-site.


On-site IT support is usually time-consuming. Technicians need to travel to your workplace, which adds time to the support process.

Staff Disruption

On-site IT support can be disruptive for staff. Technicians need access to systems and equipment, which may require staff to stop working on their computers or devices.


In conclusion, both remote and on-site IT support have their pros and cons, and businesses need to consider their individual needs to choose the model that suits them best. Remote IT support is cost-effective, quick, efficient, environmentally friendly, and reduces downtime. On-site IT support provides complete control over the support process, immediate access to hardware support, and personalized support. However, it is more costly, time-consuming, and can be disruptive for staff.


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